Reduce Content
Because people scan rather than read, it is best to only publish necessary content.
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Because people scan rather than read, it is best to only publish necessary content.
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A good way to avoid website bloat is to first avoid publishing content for internal groups, and focus your resources on creating and maintaining content for our core audiences.
Learn more about our core audiences:
Know Your AudienceBeing intentional about the content you put on your website makes life easier for people who visit and manage it. Before you publish a new page, use this decision tree to determine if your content should go on the public-facing website or if it's more useful in another communication channel.
If you have determined that you need to publish a new page, make sure to keep text on that page to a minimum. Remember that the website is not a filing cabinet. Every last detail is not necessary. Make sure every point you are making is relevant to your target audience
Whenever you publish a new page, have a plan for when that information becomes out of date. On the RED platform, you can set news posts to expire. For all other pages, you must set your own reminders. Consider creating a spreadsheet or auditing your pages on a yearly basis.